// testfunc.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application. // #include "stdafx.h" enum class Operation { DELETE, INSERT, EQUAL }; class Diff { public: Diff() { } Diff(Operation oper, std::string & str) { operation = oper; text = str; } inline bool operator==(Diff & rhs) { return rhs.operation == operation && rhs.text == text; } Operation operation; std::string text; }; template<class T> std::vector<T> * SpliceIL(std::vector<T> * input, int start, int count, std::initializer_list<T> objects = {}) { std::vector<T> * delRange = new std::vector<T>(input->begin() + start, input->begin() + start + count); while (count > 0) { input->erase(input->begin() + start); count--; } for (auto i : objects) { input->insert(input->begin() + start++, i); } return delRange; } template<class T,typename... Args> std::vector<T> * SplicePP(std::vector<T> * input, int start, int count, Args...objects) { std::vector<T> * delRange = new std::vector<T>(input->begin() + start, input->begin() + start + count); std::vector<T> newVec = { objects... }; while (count > 0) { input->erase(input->begin() + start); count--; } for (auto i : newVec) { input->insert(input->begin() + start++, i); } return delRange; } int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { std::vector<Diff*> * r1 = new std::vector<Diff*>(); r1->push_back(new Diff(Operation::EQUAL,std::string("1"))); r1->push_back(new Diff(Operation::EQUAL, std::string("2"))); r1->push_back(new Diff(Operation::EQUAL, std::string("3"))); r1->push_back(new Diff(Operation::EQUAL, std::string("4"))); r1->push_back(new Diff(Operation::EQUAL, std::string("5"))); r1->push_back(new Diff(Operation::EQUAL, std::string("6"))); r1->push_back(new Diff(Operation::EQUAL, std::string("7"))); r1->push_back(new Diff(Operation::EQUAL, std::string("8"))); std::vector<Diff*> * r2 = SpliceIL<Diff*>(r1, 1, 2, { new Diff(Operation::EQUAL, std::string("9")), new Diff(Operation::EQUAL, std::string("10")) } ); //!--pass std::vector<Diff*> * r4 = SpliceIL<Diff*>(r1, 1, 2, {}); //!--pass std::vector<Diff*> * r5 = SpliceIL<Diff*>(r1, 1, 2); //!--pass std::vector<Diff*> * r3 = SplicePP<Diff*, Diff*>(r1, 1, 2, new Diff(Operation::EQUAL, std::string("12")), new Diff(Operation::EQUAL, std::string("13"))); std::vector<Diff*> * r6 = SplicePP<Diff*, Diff*>(r1, 1, 2, nullptr); std::vector<Diff*> * r6 = SplicePP<Diff*, Diff*>(r1, 1, 2); //!--error return 0; }
22 ก.ย. 2557
std::vector splice ด้วย initialize_list กับ parameter pack
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